Friday, April 15, 2011

A big mistake...

Did I say we were flu free? BIG MISTAKE! BWK was diagnosed with the flu about 4 days after running fever (and about 4 days after my last blog post) which meant no Tam$flu for him... Which meant Tam$flu for the rest of us! (Even little brother). The good news is that since we all (except little brother) had flu shots none of the rest of us got flu. The bad news is that the rest of us got some kind of mutant cold that has had us coughing ever since. Yuck!

Spring is here and we are all ready to be able to play outside in the beautiful weather we've had. Both boys love to swing and we've been outside most pretty days after work swinging until suppertime. C loves his swing as much as B did. It's so sweet to see his face when he really likes something. His little fat cheeks swish up so tight you can't even see his eyes anymore!

HK is still working on his shop/garage and now is in full swing keeping up the yard. This is a major undertaking when the grass starts growing. He has also started on our spring/summer garden. I love the smell of the dirt being tilled up! It reminds me of my maternal grandparent's freshly planted cotton fields at Easter when we would go hunt Easter eggs at their house! We are not planting cotton here of course, but probably purple hull peas, potatoes, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and carrots I hope!

I am in the process of teaching myself to sew. I have always wanted to sew. ALWAYS wanted to sew! My mom knows how, but never really liked it, so I never learned. My paternal grandmother loved to sew and I think about her every time I see a sewing machine. She would have been very proud of my pursuit. I am not very good so far, but I have had a blast learning. I sewed a basket liner for the boy's Easter basket that turned out pretty good! I have one more to sew before Easter. The hardest part to me so far is trying to sew in a straight line! I had to make my own pattern for the basket liner and it is NOT easy trying to sew a straight line and also sew in a circle! Me and curves do not like each other so far.
Speaking of curves, the other basket liner is not making itself right now, and Easter is next weekend... so I better get started!

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