Saturday, March 19, 2011

What's Up?

What's up is that I have been seriously busy living life (and loving it!). A quick overview of what's going on with us is: we were expecting... we had a baby... I went back to work... Christmas and the holidays came and went... cold and flu season hit... we were blessed not to get flu, but did get strep and a couple of colds... found out WCK has allergies after a visit to the ER... it's now spring and we're finally getting the hang of things around here I think!

As for me, I started the year out with a committment to memorize two scriptures each month with the LPM blog and have been very surprised that I'm actually hanging in there with it! It's been a blessing and I am now 6 scriptures the richer! I've also started a Bible study in Psalm and have enjoyed it. We've been away from church for several weeks due to sickness and work, so it's nice to have quiet time each day!

HK has been hard at work making cabinents in his shop with the assistance of the greatest little man ever (BWK)! I'm going to try to post some pictures of their progress soon.

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