Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Movie Night

First of all, I'm sorry that my slide show of B's birthday did not properly link. If I didn't email it to you, email me and I will send it to you!
RHK and I went on a "date" this weekend to see Fireproof. It was a wonderfully eye opening movie. We enjoyed seeing it together... The first movie we've seen at the theater since seeing Shrek 3 before B was born!
I feel so blessed to have been given him as my husband. We've made it almost 15 years together- and the Lord has blessed us greatly. I love my family, and I love the family that I married into. I couldn't have asked for any better.
I know that it sounds so cheesy to say all of this, but I don't want to let the moment pass without letting them know. I am so proud of them, and I want them to know it.
For all of those who have been praying for my work situation... We have interviewed and are hopefully in the process of hiring soon! Thank you for all of your prayers!

Friday, October 10, 2008


It's been a while since I've updated the blog....
We're still looking for a weekend ultrasound tech so we're having to fill in all of those shifts which means I've been working weekends. A LOT! So I haven't had much time to post. There isn't much going on with me lately. I've been trying to do my fall house cleaning, mostly sorting and boxing up all of B's clothes he's outgrown. There's also packing up the baby toys and now packing up his bottles. My how time flies! He's such a big boy now!
BWK is doing so many new things these days. He is walking so good. His newest thing is saying Luh You...(in b talk, that means I Love You!) He said BeBe for the first time in her driveway Thursday morning. He is very affectionate and gives us hugs and kisses(which I absolutely love!!). He's been cutting teeth lately, so he's been a little fussy, but is still a joy.
RHK is gone for the next week on an elk hunt. He is on the border of Colorado and Wyoming. He sent a few pictures from his cell phone along the way. I saw some of the most beautiful scenery in the pictures. I am sure he's having a great time there with the guys, but me and B sure do miss him! We are looking forward to him coming home next week! In the meantime, I guess I need to try to find a place in the house that will accommodate a massive set of elk horns!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Birthday

God is good, all the time!
Happy Birthday, Brannon!

It's been birthday time at the Kirkpatrick house! We celebrated Brannon's birthday last Saturday at our home with our family. We had pizza and cake and lots of presents.... and lots of fun, of course! His actual birthday was Tuesday, August 19th. At 4:07 pm to be exact! Aunt Kelley made a beautiful Baby Einstein caterpillar cake for him, and I made a cupcake for him to smash! (I'll post lots of pictures!) He wasn't much on opening his presents, but he sure has enjoyed playing with them! Hatch and I got him a wagon and a little mini play gym thingy. (not really sure what you call it!) One of his favorite things, however, were the balloons we got for his party. He is still playing with them, dragging them around!
We are so happy to celebrate this birthday with him. Hatch and I have felt like everyday has been Christmas with him around. He has truly been a blessing to us. We could have never imagined what God had in store for us when we found out we were expecting. It seemed like such a long and hard road we travelled, and there were so many times we wondered what God's plan was for us. I can say this, however....God is awesome and mighty and just. His plan was so much better than any of our own. He revealed Himself to me and Hatch in so many ways. As much as my heart mourned for the children we lost, I would not trade the lessons He taught us for an easier path. I feel blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to see His plan at work in my life, and can only pray for the same in Brannon's. Brannon's life has been bathed in prayer, from before he came to this very day. I pray that God will be honored and glorified in his being on this earth, and that we as parents will remember that he is the Lord's, and HIS only. I want to end by saying THANK YOU to everyone who prayed for us, and for Brannon. We appreciate you so very much, and love you all!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!


I love the Journey:A Woman's Guide to Intimacy with God devotional magazines that our church provides. I was reading today's devotional and it really spoke to me. We have been having problems with staffing at my workplace for quite some time now. We are all having to work long and crazy hours which keeps us away from our families. It seems like there is no end in site, and it's really easy to become discouraged... I have been praying so hard that I would find some peace about the situation. God is awesome in so many ways, and what I am hearing Him tell me is like a song says "I will praise Him in this storm." So telling you that, this was today's entry.

July 9, 2008
Embrace to Endure
No one enjoys trials, but James 1:2 tells us they are inevitable. At various times we all find ourselves in the middle of situations that push us to our limits. Strained relationships, illnesses, financial problems, and job pressures can drain us of our energy, resolve, and joy if we're not careful. But the Apostle Paul claimed to be "pressured in every way but not crushed; ...perplexed but not in despair"(2 Corinthians 4:8). How did Paul endure difficult circumstances without being destroyed by them? Why was he able to come out of the fire with his integrity intact and contentment in his soul?
The secret to enduring trials is actually in embracing them. That's why James has the audacity to tell us to consider it a great joy when experiencing trials. When we embrace a trial as an opportunity for God to do a refining work in our lives, we see it as a blessing instead of a curse. Consequently, we are more prone to cooperate with the work He is trying to do.
If you are in a trial today, ask God to show you how He is using it to refine you. Submit to Him and ask for a large dose of wisdom. Yield not to the trial itself, but to the God who governs every circumstance you face.
Steps of Faith~ Father, You will not waste even the most difficult circumstances in my life. Use every trial I face to develop Your character in me.
Journey can be ordered at www.lifeway.com/magazines

Wow... He has perfect timing. God, help me to see You at work in every situation. Help me to be a witness and an encouragement to my co-workers in this time of trial. Thank you for sending me encouragement through this devotion today. Amen.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Walking and Talking

Well, I guess you can't keep your babies babies forever,huh? Brannon is taking steps now...Usually two at a time, but the past two days he's gotten the hang of standing unassisted and now walking four or five steps at a time. He can say ball(and knows where to find it!), he says mama and dada, whoa-wee, no, uh-oh, and the newest is down. I'm sure he probably doesn't know what he's saying yet, but I know he has ball down pat! Hatch and I are amazed at how fast he's doing new things now, and it's so sad to see our baby becoming such a "big boy"! We had nursery duty this morning and it was so neat to see all of our babies now toddling around in various stages of walking. They were so cute and we really enjoyed keeping them.
Hatch has been busy lately with keeping up the yard... We've recently added a flower bed on the side of the shop. Hatch has been on the tractor(thanks Uncle Hunter!) smoothing dirt getting ready to plant grass seed and maybe sod some of our bare spots. I am usually busy wrangling B trying to keep him out of our cabinents and trying to keep the floors clean so he's not eating crumbs and bugs...
We had a great Independence Day. We visited and ate with our family then watched fireworks at Snowden Grove. B seemed to like the fireworks and was not bothered by the noise. I'm posting pictures of B riding on little Hunter's tractor and of some of the fireworks. Until next time... Have a blessed week!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saying Goodbye...

We had to say a temporary(we'll stay in touch!)goodbye to our friends the Lassetts tonight... They've been serving at my dad's church, but we met serving at our very first church in Indianola,Ms... We had our boys two weeks apart and have really enjoyed watching them grow the past ten months. I know they are sad, but are excited about serving in a new church. We wish them luck and will be praying for their new church and also for the friends they are leaving behind. Good luck GL,JL,CL, and CL.. We're going to miss you! I'll be posting pictures of Cooper and B hangin' out later...
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Check out my Slide Show!

Friday, June 27, 2008

My first blog....

I have to be honest...I'm not sure how good I'm going to be at this, so be patient! I have enjoyed seeing everyone's blogs and have been so inspired to do this myself. I also decided it would be much easier to stay updated with pictures on this blog!
We have had several requests for prayer lately that made me think of this devotional I was emailed a couple of years ago. The author is Dr. Adrian Rogers... I hope it speaks to you as it did to me.

Oct. 17,2005
Bible Meditation:
"Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you."
1 Peter 5:7
Devotional thought:
What happens when you worry? You bring tomorrow's difficulty into today. God didn't give you grace for tomorrow's difficulties. He only gives you grace for today. When you reach into tomorrow's troubles, you overload today's circuit. Worry doesn't take the sorrow out of tomorrow, it takes the strength out of today. When you meet tomorrow, you're out of breath because you're already overloaded from today. Worry, therefore, does not make you ready for the future, it really makes you unready. Yesterday is just a canceled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today has all the cash you can handle. Spend it wisely.
Action point:
Worry will eat your lunch! It'll eat your breakfast and dinner, too! Confess your worries as sin(because they are). Put your concerns at the throne of Almighty God, trusting Him to provide.