Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Today, Gone Tomorrow!

I couldn't resist! Our beautiful snow is already gone... Traces of it are hidden in the treetops and in the woods next to our house, but the blanket that covered my yard and home Sunday morning has melted away to once again expose the dullness of my winter lawn.
RHK and I went to bed Saturday night after our Sunday School fellowship expecting to get up and have a great Sunday morning at church~ imagine my surprise when I woke up and saw that my whole driveway was a sheet of ice! It was snowing quite a bit Saturday night but the roads were clear even at 10:00pm on our way home. We never expected accumulation! We only got about three inches here, but it was enough to snuggle our house and trees in a brilliant white blanket. It felt like I should have had my Christmas tree out! I was able to get a couple of pictures of the house and of BWK with the snow, so I was happy.
I don't think BWK likes the snow. He fell at one point and that was it! He was done with that cold white stuff! I brought him inside to feed him breakfast and his nose was so red he looked like Rudolph! I'm posting a few pictures.
Looking forward to warmer temperatures and GREEN grass....!!!

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