Sunday, August 16, 2009


My sister, her husband, and my 3 year old nephew came for a few days this week. BWK still will not correctly pronounce his C's, so cousin Caleb is Taleb. It's really cute, but we are trying to work with him to say them correctly. B and Caleb had a great time visiting this week. It makes me so sad that they are not closer to us. They act so much like brothers. They would play together nicely, then all of the sudden they would be chasing each other around the house hitting and "rasling" with each other. BWK likes to wrestle much more than Caleb, so things were pretty interesting. Caleb is getting so big. He's so handsome and polite! (Of course, I'm a very proud aunt!) We all ate together for B's birthday Thursday night before they left and had so much fun.

We had BWK's second birthday party this weekend.... We are still doing just family~ We talked about having it at our church so that his friends could be there too, but I still think he's a little young for that, and the church was booked for the night we were having it. We thought we were having it when my sister could be here, but they had to leave early to make it to their Sat. night church service. BWK got so many presents that it looked like Christmas morning at my house. I really want to go through his old toys and donate some of them to charity. He's got so much more than he needs or can play with! We have been so blessed with friends and family that love him and pray for him each day. It has been a great weekend. I will post pictures later. My camera was not working properly that night, so I hope that my family got some good ones for me!

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