Sunday, July 19, 2009


Wow... the summer has flown by! We've been busy working and watching our little guy grow up way too fast. BWK has been such a joy. He's very strong-willed, but good natured. I can't believe that he will be two next month! I watch him playing so many times and still can't believe how blessed RHK and I are to have him. I'm hearing no a lot less these days, but more of "BWK do it, mama." He's growing up and I find myself trying to hold on to the baby that he was.... I think this is just a mother thing, but I don't know....I'm trying to work on it. I can't remember what my life was like before he came~ but it must have been really boring!
We have been hanging out at home this summer after going to Disney Spring Break. We are taking a long weekend with my parents this week and going to Destin. I love going there. I LOVE the beach! I'm especially excited about watching BWK playing in the ocean. He loves the water and I think he's going to have a great time. I'm excited about getting away for a couple of days, too. We stay at this neat place that is right on the beach which makes it so easy with a little one! You are only a couple of steps from the ocean to the condo, which is very nice when you are trying to potty train. I hope that everyone is having a great summer. I'll try to post more frequently.... Hope you all have a blessed week!

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